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4.6. List Types

These datatypes are lists of whitespace-separated items. The type of these items (called the item type) is defined during the derivation process (which we will see in the next chapter) and list datatypes can be derived from any simple type. Three predefined datatypes are lists (xs:NMTOKENS, xs:IDREFS, and xs:ENTITIES). For all the list datatypes, the items must be separated by one or more whitespaces.

This is a whitespace-separated list of xs:NMTOKEN. Each item of the list must be in the lexical space of xs:NMTOKEN.

This is a whitespace-separated list of xs:IDREF. Each item of the list must be in the lexical space of xs:IDREF and must reference an existing xs:ID in the same document.

This is a whitespace-separated list of xs:ENTITY. Each item of the list must be in the lexical space of xs:ENTITY and must match an unparsed entity defined in a DTD.

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