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Index: N

name attribute
Attr interface: 24.2. Object Reference
DocumentType interface: 24.2. Object Reference
name characters (Unicode): 26.1. Character Tables
name identification module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML
name start characters (Unicode): 26.1. Character Tables
name tokens, XML: NMTOKEN
name-value pairs: 2.3. Attributes
name( ) (XPath): 9.7.1. Node-Set Functions
22.5. XPath Functions
NamedNodeMap interface (DOM): 18.3.2. The NamedNodeMap Interface
attribute for: 24.2. Object Reference
methods for: 24.2. Object Reference
element (see element names)
qualified: 4.2.1. Qualified Names, Prefixes, and Local Parts
defining: 4.4.1. Parameter Entity References for Namespace Prefixes
XML specification for: 20.3.4. Namespaces
unqualified: 20.3.4. Namespaces
XML: 2.4. XML Names
specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures tokens: NMTOKEN
namespace axis: 9.5. Unabbreviated Location Paths
22.3.2. Axes
namespace-uri( ) (XPath): 9.7.1. Node-Set Functions
22.5. XPath Functions
NAMESPACE_ERR exception (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
namespaces: 0.. What This Book Covers
4. Namespaces
constraints for: 20.4.3. Namespace Constraints
controlling qualification: 16.3.2. Controlling Qualification
DTDs and: 4.4. Namespaces and DTDs
element/attribute declarations: 20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
how parsers handle: 4.3. How Parsers Handle Namespaces
default template for: 8.7.4. The Default Template Rule for Namespace Nodes
location paths and: 9.2.4. The comment( ), text(), and processing-instruction( ) Location Steps
node set functions for: 9.7.1. Node-Set Functions
XPath data model and: 22.1. The XPath Data Model
prefixes (see prefixes)
RDDL and namespace URLs: 14. Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL)
reasons for using: 4.1. The Need for Namespaces
schemas and: 16.1.2. Namespace Issues
16.3. Working with Namespaces
21.1. The Schema Namespaces
setting default: 4.2.4. Setting a Default Namespace with the xmlns Attribute
20.3.4. Namespaces
syntax of: 4.2. Namespace Syntax
target namespaces: 16.3.1. Target Namespaces
URIs: 4.2.3. Namespace URIs
returned by SAX parsers: 25.3. SAX Features and Properties
XSLT processors and: 8.2. xsl:stylesheet and xsl:transform
XML specification for: 20.3.4. Namespaces
XPointers and: 11.5. Namespaces
XSLT and: 8.10. XSLT and Namespaces
23.1. The XSLT Namespace
Namespaces in XML recommendation: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
: (colon) character is reserved: 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures
impacting element/attribute names: 20.3.4. Namespaces
namespace constraints: 20.4.3. Namespace Constraints
schemas and: 16.1.2. Namespace Issues
NamespaceSupport class (SAX): 25.2. The org.xml.sax.helpers Package
namespaceURI attribute (Node interface): 24.2. Object Reference
narrative-oriented DTDs: 3.9.2. Narrative-Oriented DTDs
narrative-oriented XML documents
DocBook: 6.4. DocBook
structure of: 6.2. Narrative Document Structures
TEI (Text Encoding Initiative): 6.3. TEI
national standard character sets: 5.6. ISO Character Sets
native2ascii conversion tool (JDK): 5.8. Converting Between Character Sets
natures of related resources: 14.3. Natures
NDATA declaration: 3.6.1. Notations
Netscape, displaying XML in: 7.2.3. Netscape and Mozilla
newTransform( ): 23.4. TrAX
nextSibling attribute (Node interface): 24.2. Object Reference
NMTOKEN attribute type: NMTOKEN
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
values must be legal name tokens: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
NMTOKENS attribute type: NMTOKENS
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
values must be legal name tokens: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR exception (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
node( )
node test: 22.3.3. Node Tests
XPath wildcard: 9.2.5. Wildcards
Node interface (DOM): 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
24. DOM Reference
attributes for: 24.2. Object Reference
methods for: 24.2. Object Reference
node-set functions (XPath): 9.7.1. Node-Set Functions
node sets in XPath: 22.2. Data Types
node tests in location paths: 9.5. Unabbreviated Location Paths
22.3. Location Paths
22.3.3. Node Tests
NodeList interface (DOM): 18.3.1. The NodeList Interface
24.2. Object Reference
attribute for: 24.2. Object Reference
method for: 24.2. Object Reference
nodeName attribute (Node interface): 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
24.2. Object Reference
nodes in XML documents
DOM and: 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
XPath and: 9.1. The Tree Structure of an XML Document
XSLT and: 8.7. The Built-in Template Rules
nodeType attribute (Node interface): 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
24.2. Object Reference
nodeValue attribute (Node interface): 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
24.2. Object Reference
NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR exception (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
none value (display property): 12.5.4. Hidden Elements
normalize( ) (DOM)
Element interface: 24.2. Object Reference
Node interface: 24.2. Object Reference
normalize-space( ) (XPath): 9.7.2. String Functions
22.5. XPath Functions
not( ) (XPath): 9.7.3. Boolean Functions
22.5. XPath Functions
NOTATION attribute type: NOTATION
20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
not available for empty elements: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
only one per element type: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
notation attributes: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
NOTATION declaration: 3.6. External Unparsed Entities and Notations
20.2. Annotated Sample Documents
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition)
names must be unique: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
unparsed entities and: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints
Notation interface (DOM): Notation
nodeName attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference
nodeValue attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference
object hierarchy for: 24.1. Object Hierarchy
notation syntax of XML: 17.2.4. Notations
notationName attribute (Entity interface): 24.2. Object Reference
NOTATION_NODE (DOM node type) and nodeType attribute: 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces
24.2. Object Reference
notations attribute (DocumentType interface): 24.2. Object Reference
NOT_FOUND_ERR exception (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference
number( ) (XPath): 9.7.4. Number Functions
22.5. XPath Functions
numbers in XPath: 9.6.1. Numbers
22.2. Data Types
numeric functions (XPath): 9.7.4. Number Functions

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